Tuesday, June 5, 2012

SPORT b. PARIS x nanoblock

got my hands on the sport b. paris x nanoblock dinosaur! this is a special nanoblock that has some connection through it's hong kong nanoblock distributor. basically if you buy more than 2000 HKD from sport b. shops in hong kong, you get this dinosaur nanoblock for free! 香港のSPORT B店で2000HKD以上買ったら限定ナノブロックがもらう!ところで、これは日本製です。このサイトのファンのおかげで、この超限定ナノブロックを手に入れた!


  1. Do you know if anyone wants to sell this? can email me at shirley_ling91@hotmail.com

  2. hi there! might put this up for sale in the near future. check out our web shop for more details: www.nanoblockfan.com/shop/
